It’s all about skills in the modern world. It’s never been more challenging to be a leader than it is today. Markets and entire industries are changing rapidly. For any leader to be successful, it’s important to have the proper skills.
Many of these skills are evergreen. For example, leaders will always need to be able to communicate well and delegate tasks. Take heart that your leadership skills will be valuable for a long time!
Shore up these leadership skills and protect your future
1. The ability to motivate others. Great leaders are great motivators. Think about how you motivate yourself. It’s not that much different to motivate someone else.
2. Communication skills. Leaders must continue to work on their communication and delivery. This includes public speaking, addressing small groups, and one-on-one. Remember to practice good listening skills. Fortunately, educational materials abound and there are plenty of willing people to practice your skills upon.
3. Delegation skills. You can’t do it all alone. Many high achievers have trouble letting go and giving up control. You must be able to trust others and use them in the most effective way possible. It’s not enough to just delegate, you must delegate assignments to those who will excel in that task.
• Do not be what I call a “Retractable Keys” delegator. Where you give the task or control to someone to only pull it back quickly when doesn’t look the way you want it or is not getting done quick enough. Most of the time these reasons are because of poor communication and lack of clarity.
• Remember delegating is not dumping.
4. Create the proper culture. Leaders must create a culture that matches the organization’s mission and the employees. A Wall Street investment bank has a different culture than an elementary school, a pharmaceutical company, or a non-profit versus a for-profit business. Even departments may have their own unique culture.
5. Adaptability. The challenges facing leaders change regularly. Industries change. Culture changes, Customers change. Economic conditions change. Technology is rapidly changing the way organizations do business or accomplish their mission. Leaders have to be able to evolve to meet the changing landscape.
6. Time management. Leaders are busy. There’s always more to do than there are hours in the day. Choosing the most important tasks and making the time to complete them is paramount. Time management skills are easily learned but don’t come naturally to many people. Outside of communication, this is one of the areas that tend to cause some problems if not helped into a routine or system to become a discipline.
7. Relationship management. Great leaders have strong relationships with their direct reports, hourly employees, executives, and customers. The stronger your relationships, the more you can accomplish. During great challenges, your relationships can make you or break you.
8. Change management. Leading an organization or department through change is a valuable skill to develop. As companies add technology and reduce workforces, change comes more rapidly. Too many times in change, we see leaders rush and ready themselves and fire away at what they think is the target. But without aiming and developing a clear plan it never truly hits the bullseye. This will eventually lead to frustration and erode trust.
9. Be a good follower. Leaders have to follow, too. Leaders that don’t follow are considered dictators. Once you inspire a team, they become largely self-sufficient. It is then your job to follow and provide occasional guidance. Another word for follower is servant. Learn to be a servant leader, you will always win the day in the end.
10. Poise. Leaders face challenges. Poise is a necessary trait for a leader to possess. Without poise, small challenges become bigger, and employees lose faith. When you’re stressed and panicked, your employees are uncomfortable. Build your poise if you want to excel as a leader.
How do your skills measure up? You can try to predict your success as a manager from this list of skills.
Build your skills and your results will be enhanced. Even with all the big changes in modern businesses and culture, leadership skills continue to be highly valued in the workplace. Great leaders are always in high demand.