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Writer's pictureSteve Harper

Become a Better Leader: 4 Steps to Boost Your E.Q.

Most of us think of a leader as someone with a great deal of education and experience in a particular area. While knowledge and experience are important qualities, a leader’s ability to communicate and work well with others is just as important.

Having a high degree of Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) allows you to inspire and motivate others to accomplish a shared objective and vision. There are several ways that you can strengthen your interpersonal skills.

Try these methods to dramatically raise your E.Q. and accomplish more together:

1. Increase your self-awareness. Self-development, or personal growth, is the foundation of excellence. Before you can lead and inspire others, you must first understand your motivations and behaviors.

Develop your vision by learning to listen to your inner values and dreams. Trust yourself. Values should never be surrendered to achieve a goal or for other temporary gains. Your values closely align with your integrity which demonstrates your character. I have been in situations where our organization was being offered a significant amount of money. While it would help us achieve our goals, our values were not for sale. What I would have surrendered in our mission and who we were was far greater than goal achievement. You must know what is not up for debate or negotiation. What do you stand for?

  • Embrace passion by learning to be motivated by your internal compass rather than external forces and situations.

  • Keep your energy fully charged so you can give your best effort. Stay energized by taking time to learn what activities re-energize you and which ones drain your energy.

  • Respect yourself. Know the limitations of your body, mind, and spirit. Strive for a balance between your responsibilities in all areas of your life. Your work and goals will still be there tomorrow.

  • Be aware of your flaws and limitations. Seek ways to improve yourself and be open to change.

2. Strengthen your discipline and self-management. Learning to be responsible for your behavior, attitudes, and actions can raise your performance level and help you build trust with others.

  • Seek the input of others. Ask how you can help them or what you need to do differently to communicate more effectively and help them be successful in their work.

  • Hold yourself accountable for your actions and performance.

  • Don’t be afraid to delegate responsibilities and tasks. Be confident enough in yourself to surround yourself with talented, qualified people.

3. Develop your social awareness. Be aware of your attitudes and the power you have to motivate others.

  • Show genuine concern for others and learn how to listen actively. Doing so creates lasting bonds and a strong team that will work with you rather than against you.

  • Give others a reason to support you and your vision. Let others know when they have done an excellent job and look for ways to recognize and reward excellence.

  • Help others to buy into your vision by making them stakeholders in the attainment of goals. Seek their advice when setting goals and making plans on how you’ll achieve them.

  • Help others increase their abilities and fully utilize their talents by providing training, scholarship, and self-development opportunities.

4. Emphasize greater relationship management. Learn how to bring out the best in yourself and others. Utilize everyone’s best qualities and minimize their limitations with an effective assignment of tasks and delegation of responsibilities.

  • I have learned that if you help others get ahead, they always make you look good. Learn to give credit where credit is due.

Regardless of your education or experience, you can achieve tremendous success by learning how to use your people skills to fully harness the talents and energy of others. These strategies will allow you to increase your E.Q and inspire others to fully enlist in your cause of their own free will.

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