In our last article, we gave you the first 12 of 25 Ways leaders can lead others. Here are the final ways. When your done with the list go back through the "25 Ways to Lead" and use the ACT method to help you evaluate what you may or may not being doing well in your leadership and take the next step of Action. Here is how it works. Beside each number put an A, C, or T or could be a combination, but generally there will at least be one.
A - Do I need to APPLY this to my leadership & Life.
C - Do I need to CUT out a practice.
T - Who can I TEACH this to.
13. Give your coworkers room to grow. They need to be able to make progress and set their own goals. Delegate, give permission and empower and watch what happens. They will make the leader look good and excel themselves.
14. Let your coworkers make suggestions. As a leader, you can make better progress if the entire team can make recommendations and ones that provide a solution implement and give credit where it is due.
15. Show your expertise. If you know the answers, don’t let others struggle to find them. This is awkward and can be deflating to others and sometimes lowers morale.
16. Spend time with your coworkers. Leaders need to know and understand the people around them. What motivates them, their interests, hobbies, goals, and families are all common areas we share.
17. Keep an open-door policy. Let your team members know that you’re willing to listen to them at any time.
18. Try to keep everything transparent. Transparency can help you avoid rumors and gossip.
19. Stay flexible. A real leader can be flexible while still being in charge. With an ever-changing world, work, and culture there has to be flexibility to navigate the challenges.
20. Understand the actual point behind an idea. If you dig deep into an idea, you’ll see how and why it was created.
21. Understand that some team members need more attention. Different personalities require different leadership strategies. Don’t try to fit everyone in the same “shoebox” to speak.
22. Stay confident. Confidence is contagious. Especially when you are trying to navigate through some obstacles to get to the opportunity you desire.
23. Ensure your team members know their responsibilities. This will encourage them to stay focused, productive, and empowered.
24. Work on your strengths and find others to come alongside you to help even out your weaknesses. If mistakes or issues appear, it’s important to work through them to find positive solutions. Keeping yourself in your sweet spot is important. We are all wired differently and can complement one another. Many times, I find leaders and organizations spend more time, resources, and energy trying to fix the weaknesses of individuals versus letting them operate in their strengths. While we need to be aware of our weaknesses, the better solution is finding complementary resources.
25. Be willing to become a mentor. A real leader is willing to help the next generation.
You can lead others in more than one way. It’s important to find methods that work for you and your organization.